CLA: Programming Essentials in C (New Batch)

CLA: Programming Essentials in C is designed for beginners with no prior knowledge of programming, who want to learn programming fundamentals. Despite the prevalence of higher-level languages, the C programming language continues to be a popular yet powerful language, used to build operating systems and tens of thousands of applications. The C Programming language is an excellent language to learn as it is the backbone for a number of other languages--C++, Java, and Python all leverage basic features from C.

  • Understand common computer programming concepts
  • Learn the syntax, semantics and basic data types of C
  • Apply your programming skills using hands-on lab activities and by writing your own programs
  • Develop logic-building skills and algorithmic thinking
  • Get immediate feedback on your work through built-in quizzes and tests
  • Connect with the global Cisco Networking Academy community
  • Languages: English

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